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DVDs at The Warehouse

Over the years we have done many ads with TWL branding for multi distributors. Check out how we organized it.

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Multi distributor ads at The Warehouse

With multi distributor ads, the prep is the most important part! Not only is getting the material sometimes difficult, striking an even balance between distributors can be tricky.

Compiling a list of products from Universal Pictures, Roadshow, Sony and Warner’s, which is then ranked by Hero, 2nd tier and 3rd tier categories. Hero products receive a vocal grab, 2nd tier imagery and the rest get packshots only. Not forgetting to check the ratings to ensure the timeslots booked will allow the TVC to be aired, since R16 titles need to play in slots after 8:30pm.

With the required materials collected, whether it was full movies or approved clips the editing process begins. Firstly a script is created, this obviously will determine the length of the grabs that can fit. Since “Nine, ninety-nine each or 3 for 20 dollars” is a little wordier than “Buy one get one half price”. Then we add in a mock voice for timing purposes.

Starting with the Hero titles, all suitable vocal grabs are separated out, looking for short and sweet grabs that would add value to the script. And depending on the amount of the distributors included in the promo, how much time there is for grabs. A lot of time is spent ensuring there is equal airtime for each title. Next is finding suitable music that works for the TVC.

Once the script has a good flow, it’s time to drop in the 2nd tier shots to full in the ad. Adding graphics to enhance the ad is next on the list. Creating graphics that stayed true to the promotional artwork and The Warehouse branding guidelines is always utmost in our minds with clear and concise moves that highlight all the titles.

Sending the mockup with script and timings to the distributers to check they are happy with the commercial. Once the generally minor changes are completed and all the distributors were onboard the commercial is sent into The Warehouse. At this point and no matter how many times we sent a reminder, our number one comment was “We like the ad but could we get a different voice?” It’s unfortunate that while Chris has been living in New Zealand since he was 12, he still hasn’t lost his slight American twang!

Off to the recording studio to get the script voiced by one of our many trusted voiceover artists. Timing is key with Warehouse ads since we try to maximize the 15 seconds.

Back to the editing suite to place the vocals, little timing tweaks, moving shots around, a quick rough mix and it’s off for another round of approvals. Then the final mix is performed by our favourite audio engineer. Ensuring the varying audio sources seamlessly meld and the vocals sit nicely in the audio bed.

One final round of approvals, by this time all final changes have been ironed out but sometimes there is a tweak needed. Then it’s off to channel and commercial approvals.

A quick channel and ratings confirmation email later with YouTube or Facebook finals if required. And the job is complete!

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